The Adri-esque-apades

aka: Backstage Pass to "The Adrianne Show"
0 Adriesque-atarians

Video Training - "Power Knuckle" (Confident, Lighthearted, Powerful)
Quickly embody your favorite and most powerful emotions in any situation with just the touch of a button, or rather, your knuckle. In this video, I help you install a button on your knuckle that will allow you to instantly feel Confident, Lighthearted, and Powerful.
Meditation Audio - The Butt Induction
A fun hypnosis audio that gets you deeply rooted in and inspired by your butt. Certainly, you've always wanted to feel more connected to and inspired by your own butt and now you can. ​​After all, no matter where you go or what you do, your butt goes with you. It will always be there for you.
Video Training - "How to Resolve Internal Conflict"
This is a video explaining 2 ways/techniques to help you resolve internal conflicts based on the NLP "Parts Integration" technique. This video was inspired by my conversation with Theresa Pridemore in episode 5 of my video podcast From the Hip w/Adrianne Gunn.
Want what you want already!
When I feel like there’s something I want that is right for me and I feel it is part of my path, I say yes.
Monkey See...You can do it! far as I can tell, I’m the only one living my life and I’m pretty much the only one that’s ever going to live my life.  The good news and the bad news is no matter the advice out there by anyone who’s ever done anything worthy of mention, no person alive or dead will be a better me than me, ever.   And for that matter, no one will ever get to live your life or be a better you than you can be, ever.
When will I catch up with all the things...?
In the midst of having recently achieved many of my goals, I find myself exhausted, highly emotional and ridiculously grateful.
What do ya mean, don't sweat the small stuff?
...aren’t most of us paid for the small stuff? No really. Raise your hand if paying attention to the small stuff is why you get to do whatever it is you do, for a living, for fun, for the sake of other people... for the love of god, it’s all small stuff. Small stuff is important, isn’t it?! I’ve actually trained my brain to pay attention to a fuck ton of all kinds of the small stuff because it makes a difference.
Sex and Cobbler
Sex is like cake. Except when it’s like cobbler. The other day, a friend asked me via text, Do you think it’s possible to still find someone you really like when you are sleeping with someone else?
Language Creates Your Reality
You may have heard that language doesn't describe your reality, it creates it...
Join the "Life is to be lived with a capitol Fuck Yeah! team.
So here’s the deal. My very favorite person is dying. I get to thinking about how life is short and about how my friend’s life is shorter and I feel like I shouldn't waste any of the moments we have together and that I shouldn't waste any of the anything anytime...